Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism (Icel. Móðurmál – samtök um tvítyngi) is a public interest group and a service provider in the field of mother tongue instruction of foreign mother tongues in Iceland. We actively support mother tongue groups offering mother tongue instruction to plurilingual children.
The goals of Móðurmál are the following:
- Teach children their mother tongues
- Support multiple language groups and mother tongue teachers
- Partner with parents of plurilingual children and create opportunities for children to learn all their mother tongues
- Take part in research on bilingualism and mother tongues
- Develop mother tongue instruction
- Support active bilingualism in Icelandic society
The Importance of Mother Tongue Instruction
Móðurmál and mother tongue groups agree on the importance of mother tongue instruction. According to the Icelandic National Curriculum 1, supporting mother tongue development promotes children’s academic achievement and improves communication within families, among communities in Iceland,and across international borders. Mother tongue instruction enriches Icelandic society and promotes education of plurilingual children and other stakeholders.
Social contribution
Móðurmál provides a range of social benefits that are spread across stakeholders. The association enhances both general and language education of plurilingual children. It provides social support for children and their families by offering counselling to individuals, families, and groups. Mother tongue teachers develop and enrich their work experience. Móðurmál also stimulates participation of families in Icelandic society, expands discussion about multiculturalism, languages, and active bilingualism in society, and facilitates access to information, assistance networks, teaching materials, reading materials and information materials. In sum, Móðurmál is a network of dedicated, strong individuals that strengthens families and future leaders, and it is the platform for collaboration of mother tongue groups and families in Iceland.
Mother tongue instruction is a part of formal education of plurilingual children, as in neighbouring Scandinavian countries, so that these children have the right to mother tongue instruction in alignment with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In accordance with the National Curriculum (2011), Móðurmál is a partner of compulsory schools in the area of mother tongue instruction.
International and Icelandic education of mother tongue teachers, as well as their experience in teaching mother tongues, are acknowledged.
Móðurmál and mother tongue groups, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Education, develop a curriculum in foreign mother tongues that renders credits for study in upper secondary schools. The curriculum is linked with CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) and the National Curriculum for Compulsory and Upper Secondary schools.
Móðurmál is a partner of authorities, all municipalities, educational institutions and international umbrella associations.
Móðurmál receives regular support for a position of a project manager, the operation of an office, for the support of mother tongue groups, and to have access to social and library space. Móðurmál provides service and counselling nationally.
1 “Therefore, it is essential that parents are made aware of the importance of the mother tongue for the pupil and that they are encouraged and supported in emphasising linguistic upbringing at home by nurturing the pupil’s mother tongue” – The National Curriculum, p. 106