For teachers
HVAÐ ER TVÍTYNGI? → 11 ideas on how to support bilingualism in class.
Resource available in:
Parent information meetings “Prosperity, collaboration and plurilingualism” organized by Heimili og skóli – the Association of Parents of School Children, and Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism.
The topics were the collaboration of home and school, parents and leisure time, prosperity, and the importance of mother tongue and Icelandic teaching and learning.
Here is the link to the recording of the meeting, in Icelandic with English subtitles. PowerPoint presentations are available in the comments under the video.
Videos about parents´ unions, student unions, and school councils, created by Samfok – The Alliance of Parent’s Associations and Parent’s Councils of Elementary Schools in Reykjavík (in Icelandic).
Further information (videos, presentations) for parents of foreign origin about the importance of mother tongue and Icelandic instruction for plurilingual children, the importance of children’s participation in leisure activities, and the importance of parents’ participation in the dialogue and work of their children’s school is here: https://samfok.is/verkefni-samfok/allir-med (all presentations and recordings are available in these languages: Spanish, Polish, Lithuanian, Filipino, Vietnamese, Russian, Thai, Portuguese, English, Arabic).

FOHLC Europe conferences 2021-2023, including the recordings of the keynotes:
2020 Heritage Language Education Conference
Organized by Mother Tongues (Dublin) and Móðurmál (Reykjavík)
November 20 – 21, 2020
Here you can take a look at the presentations from Móðurmál board, HL teachers, and partners:
Lithuanian Mother Tongue School “Three Colors”, Reykjavík, Iceland
Polish School in Reykjavík, Iceland
Heritage Language Schools Eindhoven, the Netherlands
International and Heritage Languages Association, Edmonton, Canada
Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism, Reykjavík, Iceland – Final report on online teaching project in spring 2020