Móðurmál and all its groups are doing well in the spring! Five big projects are running smoothly, each led by a devoted project manager:
- Allir með! tölum saman um skólamenningu á Íslandi (coordinated by Samfok)
- Listin Talar Tungum í listasafni Reykjavíkur →
- Heimsálfar í Borgarbókasafni →
- Mother Language Book of Móðurmál 2017–2018
- Library project of Móðurmál (Rósa Björg Jónsdóttir, bókasafnsfræðingur)
Individual mother tongue groups are teaching regularly on weekends, and occasionally they organize cultural events, welcome famous guests or take part in international projects. Thank you! ❤️ You are all doing a great job! for children, parents, communities and the whole society, in many ways.