Serbian Culture Days in Reyjavík

The Serbian Cultural Center in Iceland held its fourth Serbian Culture Days in Reykjavík recently. The grand theme was theatre, and the program was varied and eventful and had something in store for all ages. Due to unforeseen circumstances all events were combined and held on November 24th. The events were well frequented and all in all over 300 people attended the festival. The program started at Fellaskóli with a drama workshop for children and the family play Virus telefonitis, and continued at Háskólabíó with a great program. Initially, a film was shown in which students from the Serbian school participated. Actors from the Teateić theatre company in Belgrad performed a masterpiece by the well-known Serbian author Branislav Nušić, and they performed two of his well-known plays. The program ended with light refreshments in Serbian-style cuisine and a chat with all the guests. The Serbian Cultural Center in Iceland thanks all its sponsors, including the Serbian Outreach Fund, Móðurmál, Reykjavíkurborg, Háskólabíó and Fellaskóli.