School year started & AGM

Most Móðurmál groups started teaching on Saturday 10 September. For the first time, three groups are using Hólabrekkuskóli in Breiðholt, thanks to the cooperation of Móðurmál with the Reykjavík City School Department (Skóla-og frístundasvið Reykjavíkurborgar).

Móðurmál groups will cooperate on the environmental project “Móðurmál rannsakar náttúru– og tungumálaauðlindir” in which children will work with environmental concepts and issues. The goal is to increase children’s awareness of their environment and put it into the international context through children’s connections with home countries of their parents. Children’s knowledge of languages will help to do research in other countries. This project is supported by Mannréttindaráð Reykjavíkur.

The common project of Móðurmál and SAMFOK (Association of School Children’s Parents in Reykjavík) “Allir með!” will continue in the fall 2016. The project entails several information and training events in different languages for parents of foreign origin.

On 18–19 November, the annual conference of Móðurmál “Successful and Sustainable Heritage Language Programs” for mother-tongue teachers, pedagogues and interested public will take place in Cultural Center Gerðuberg. The key speaker will be Prof. Olenka Bilash from the University of Alberta, Canada.

Móðurmál will continue to take part in regular events, such as the Festival of Nations, the International Mother Language Day, Children’s Festival, Multicultural Day, Big Preschool Day and others.

All Móðurmál members are warmly welcome at the Annual General Meeting, that is taking place on 14 September 2016 at 6–8 PM in Gerðuberg.

German mother tongue taught in Móðurmál

Welcome to Móðurmál and Deutsch-Isländisches Netzwerk

The German group is part of Deutsch-Isländisches Netzwerk and lessons are held in Hafnarfjörður. Deutsch-Isländisches Netzwerk aims to connect Germans and Icelanders who are interested in cultural and mutual exchange.

The Netzwerk offers many events and activities, such as German mother tongue classes for children, social events, a hiking group, and a play group. There is also a German-Icelandic dictionary that keeps growing, and so is the forest Amselwald in Klísholt close to Hafnarfjörður. Once a year the group organises a St.Martin’s procession and a May Festival.

Of course, the Network is on Facebook

The school year 2015/2016 finishes with glory

Móðurmál has finished its 22nd year of existence and mother-tongue instruction: CONGRATULATIONS! 🎉

Language schools and groups celebrated children’s achievements with various festivals and ceremonies, in some cases in collaboration with embassies and other honorary guests.

Móðurmál was represented on the Great Preschool Day on Friday 27th May and on the Multicultural Day on Saturday 28th May. Both events were well attended and teachers, directors, parents and other visitors received bookmarks with information about Móðurmál.

We would like to thank our partners and supporters, in particular the School and Leisure Department of the City of Reykjavík and the Ministry of Welfare for their financial support, Fellaskóli, Landakotsskóli, Myllubakkaskóli, Álfhólsskóli, Kampur, Neskirkja, the City Library and the libraries in Kópavogur and Hafnarfjörður for housing mother tongue classes, and SAMFOK and our international partners for rich and fruitful cooperation.

Have a good, sunny, restful holiday, everyone, and see you at the beginning of the new school year 2016/2017! ☀️

Bridge of Friendship 2016 held in Iceland

Bridge of friendship is an annual international summer gathering of European Lithuanian mother-tongue schools where students of these schools, their parents, teachers, representatives of Lithuanian diplomatic and governmental organizations are invited. The idea of the gathering was generated in 2005 by Lithuanian Community in Sweden and Stockholm Lithuanian mother-tongue school Saulė.

The gathering is held in a different country every year. Bridge of friendship has already been held in Sweden (2005, 2014), Irelan (2006, 2011, 2012), Germany (2007, 2010), Spain (2008), United Kingdom (2009), Italy (2013) and Norway (2015).

In 2016 Bridge of friendship will be held in Iceland, the island of wild nature and extraordinary experience, located in between continents. The gathering will take place from 10th to 12th of June 2016.

The goal of the gathering is to rally all who cherish and foster Lithuanian language abroad. During the event Lithuanian mother tongue teachers and representatives of educational organizations share their experience in child upbringing, teaching methods and other mother tongue related matters.

The gathering unites Lithuanians of the world also offers various opportunities for teachers to be introduced to Lithuanian mother tongue education news, share their experience and information, discuss pertinent educational problems of the field. Parents are offered a wide selection of lectures and both creative and educational activities about Lithuanian mother-tongue education abroad. Children meet other Lithuanian children from different countries attending Lithuanian mother-tongue schools; also they are offered different educational occupation by their age groups. Most important, they are offered the communication with other children in the Lithuanian language.

All the participants of the gathering are introduced to the work and activities of Lithuanian associations from different countries as well as different Lithuanian mother-tongue schools; to communicate and discuss important matters related to mother-tongue teaching, education and socialization.

Vinabrú er samstarfsvettvangur móðurmálsskóla Lítháískra innflytjenda í Evrópu sem tengir saman alla skólana, kennara, nemendurnar, foreldrana og opinberum aðilum er boðið.
Árlega er haldin námsstefna í einhverju aðildarlandi Vinabrúar.Markmið námsstefnunnar Vinabrú er að tengja saman alla þá er koma að kennslu í litháísku utan Litháens, deila reynslu, vinna að bættum kennsluháttum og vinna að skóla- og foreldrasamstarfi.
Tilgangur Vinabrúar er:

  • Að kennarar kynni sér nýjungar í móðurmálsskennslu og ræði sín á milli hvað betur megi fara, ásamt því að deila upplýsingum og reynslu.
  • Að litháískir foreldrar hvar sem er í Evrópu geti sótt fyrirlestra og skapandi námskeið er varða móðurmálskennslu í litháísku.
  • Að Litháar sem búa erlendis geti lært litháísku, tekið þátt í skólastarfi og fengið kennslu í litháísku sem hæfir þeirra aldurshóp. Ásamt því að fá æfingu í notkun síns móðurmáls.
  • Að þátttakendur geti fræðst um stöðu móðurmálsins í þar sem þeir eru búsettir.

Eftir því sem við er komið er opinberum aðilum í því landi sem námsstefnan er haldin kynnt staða lítháiskunnar sem móðurmáls meðal innflytjenda.
Hugmyndin að Vinabrú varð til árið 2005 í samfélagi litháa í Svíþjóð í samstarfi við litháíska móðurmálsskólann Saulė í Stokkhólmi. Vinabrú hefur verið haldin í Svíþjóð (2015, 2014), Írlandi (2006, 2011 og 2012), Þýskalandi (2007, 2010), Spáni (2008), Bretlandi (2009), Ítalíu (2013) og Noregi (2015).
Árið 2016 verður námstefnan Vinabrú haldin á Íslandi dagana 10 -12 júní. Munu gestir fá að upplifa eyju elds og ísa ásamt stórbrotinni náttúru og kynnast íslenskri menningu á flekaskilum Ameríku og Evrópu.

Von be don, börnin lesa úr nýrri bók

Höfundar bókarinnar “Von be don – Magnús og Malaika leysa máliðBergljót Baldursdóttir og Brynhildur Jenný Bjarnadóttir og börn frá samtökum Móðurmál tóku þátt í Barnamenningarhátíð 2016 og lásu þann 23. Apríl 2016 úr nýrri barnabók.

Von be don” er bók fyrir börn um orð og tungumál. Henni er ætlað að vekja börn til vitundar um tilvist tungumála og kraftinn sem felst í orðum, hvernig hægt er að segja hluti á marga vegu á mörgum tungumálum.

Viðburðurinn átti sér stað á borgarbókasafni í Gerðubergi.

Við þökkum innilega öllum börnum sem lásu á fallegri íslensku, höfundum, gestum viðburðarins og Gerðubergi fyrir fallegt umhverfi og tæknilega aðstoð.

Samstarf TÉKÍS og RADKA í Tékklandi

Cooperation of TÉKÍS and RADKA in the Czech Republic

Þrír fulltrúar félagsins Tékkneska á Íslandi (TÉKÍS), Renata Emilsson Peskova (stjórn TÉKÍS), Sonja Rúdolfsdóttir Jónsson (stjórn TÉKÍS) og Hulda Karen Daníelsdóttir, kennsluráðgjafi, heimsóttu í síðasta sinn stofnun RADKA í Kadan, Tékklandi, en TÉKÍS og RADKA áttu samstarf árið 2015 (sjá Án landamæra). Í vikunni 22.-26.2. heimsóttu þau fimm miðstöðvar RADKA og skoðuðu leikskólann Raduska, nýopnaðan fyrsta bekk einkarekins skóla sem vinnur eftir hugmyndafræði Byrjum saman.

Fleiri viðburði snérust um Ísland

  • Babylon – morgunn fyrir mömmur í fæðingarorofi og börn.
  • Grunnskóli Nr.2 – kynningar fyrir nemendur 7. og 9. Bekkja.
  • Kynning um Ísland og fyrirlestrar um skilvirkar kennsluaðferðir fyrir margbreytilega hópa (HKD) og virkt tvítyngi og “good practice” á Íslandi (REP) framhaldsskólanemendur og kennara VOŠ Most →.
  • Café Lingua o Islandu →, þar sem gestir máttu kynnast áhugaverðum staðreyndum um Ísland og smakka harðfisk, hákarlalýsi, lifrapylsu, blóðmör, lakkrís, súkkulaði og fleira gott.

Diverse teaching methods for diverse groups

One of the aims of Móðurmál is to support its mother tongue teachers. There are many teachers who have started their volunteer career this school year, both in Reykjavík and in Reykjanesbær.

Therefore Móðurmál organized a teacher training in Eldey in Reykjanesbær with the title “Diverse teaching methods for diverse groups”. It took place on March 5th, between 4–7 PM.

Twenty-five teachers attended. Renata Emilsson Peskova started with a short introduction about Móðurmál and some thoughts on active bilingualism. Then, Sólveig Simha discussed various practical pedagogical issues in mother-tongue teaching.

The new teachers got an opportunity to meet and talk with more experienced colleagues and start cooperation between mother tongue groups in Reykjavík and Reykjanesbær.

Thank you, everyone, for participation! ❤️

Informal meeting and discussion with Lithuanian professor of philosophy Dr. Leonidas Donskis

Lithuanian philosopher, professor and public figure Dr. Leonidas Donskis was teaching an intensive course at the University of Iceland at the beginning of this year.

Lithuanian Society in Iceland invited professor Donskis to meet Lithuanians in an informal discussion session. Professor told about his academic career, work in European Parlament, about his teaching in University in Iceland and his collaboration in book writing with philosopher Zygmunt Bauman.

Lithuanian Society in Iceland from the bottom of the heart thanks Móðurmál organization for hosting the event in their office at Ármúli 36.