Samið um móðurmálskennslu barna af erlendum uppruna

Helgi Grímsson, sviðsstjóri skóla- og frístundasviðs skrifaði undir samning við Pólska skólann og samtökin Móðurmál, á dögunum, sem gerir móðurmálskennslu á þeirra vegum gjaldfrjálsa fyrir börn í Reykjavík. Katarzyna Rabęda skrifaði undir fyrir hönd Pólska skólann og Renata Emilsson Pesková fyrir Móðurmál sem eru samtök um tvítyngi.

Geta nýtt frístundastyrkinn í annað

Með samningnum eykst stuðningur við Móðurmál og Pólska skólann svo að þeirra mikilvæga kennsla verði endurgjaldslaus fyrir börn og fjölskyldur þeirra. Þannig verði tryggt aðgengi að móðurmálskennslu án tillits til efnahags og stuðlað að því að börn geti fengið kennslu í sínu móðurmáli án þess að nýta sinn frístundastyrk. Um leið gefst tækifæri til að nýta frístundastyrkinn í aðrar frístundir sem er mikilvægt og nauðsynlegt öllum börnum.

Reykjavíkurborg mun greiða gjöld barna á aldrinum þriggja til sextán ára, með lögheimili í Reykjavík sem stunda nám í sínu móðurmáli við samtökin.

Samþykktu viðbótarfjármagn fyrir kennsluna

Borgarráð samþykkti samninginn á fundi 19. október síðastliðinn sem og að veita auka fjármagn vegna þessa þar sem ekki er gert ráð fyrir kostnaðinum í fjárhagsramma skóla- og frístundasviðs. Samningurinn gildir þetta skólaár og er viðbótarskref í að styðja við móðurmálskennslu barna með fjölbreyttan tungumála bakgrunn. Fram að þessu hafa bæði Pólski skólinn og Móðurmál þurft að reiða sig á staka styrki. Reykjavíkurborg hefur fram að þessu stutt vel við kennsluna með því að útvega húsnæði fyrir kennsluna og í formi styrkja.

Á myndinni eru fulltrúar Móðurmáls, Pólska skólans, skóla- og frístundasviðs Reykjavíkur og þar á meðal starfsfólk Miðju og læsis.

Myndband var gert um starfsemi Móðurmáls sem má sjá hér.

Angurværð – premiere

On Sunday, 24 September, was the premiere of Magnús Gíslason ´s (14)
short movie Angurværð. The movie was produced by his company Krían Films and shown at Bíó Paradís in Reykjavík, Iceland. Angurværð means melancholy in Icelandic and it tells about several days in the lives of immigrant youth in Breiðholt in Reykjavík. Themes such as bullying, immigration, asylum-seeking, and bilingualism are addressed.

The movie can be viewed here.
Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism is very proud of Magnús who has attended Spanish mother tongue classes since he was two years old and produced his movie in Icelandic and Spanish, with English subtitles, together with his classmates and friends.
Magnús is very interested in movie-making. He received a grant from the Icelandic funding agency Rannís and collected funds at Karolina Fund to be able to rent the equipment necessary for making his first serious movie.
This event was co-organized by Móðurmál on the occasion of the European Day of Languages and guests could choose from free books in various languages from Bókasafn Móðurmáls, play language games from the exhibition Mál í mótun (Shaping Language(s)) in Veröld – Hús Vigdísar, discuss collaboration of immigrant families and schools with a representative of Heimili og skóli – Landssamtök foreldra, and write the word Angurværð in their own language. The event also awakened the interest of Icelandic media,

see news here: RÚV in Icelandic, RÚV in English, Morgunblaðið
We wish Magnús a successful career with Krían Films and look forward to his next creations!

“Polish Pie – Pedagogical Innovation in Education”

The Polish School in Reykjavik “im.Janusza Korczaka” is part of the project “Polish Pie – Pedagogical Innovation in Education”. The project is financed by the European Union and  involves partners from Poland, Spain, Italy, Turkey and Iceland. The purpose and aim of the project is to strengthen teaching competency and develop professional skills that enable teachers to successfully teach Polish children living abroad.  

Mariola Bondarow and Kasia Dreksa are the teachers that took part in  the project. Big part of the project is to visit partner countries and take part in training sessions as well as conduct lessons which give an overview over Icelandic nature. Furthermore, these visits give the opportunity to see how the Polish community schools function in partner countries. For more information visit the project on Facebook.

One Dish, One Wish

The One Dish, One Wish event in the social center at Gerðuberg, Reykjavík, connected the 17 Sustainable Development Goals with the languages and cultures of the groups and school of Móðurmál. The event celebrated International Mother Language Day (21 February), as well as the collaboration of Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism, the cultural center Gerðuberg, compulsory schools Fellaskóli and Hólabrekkuskóli, and the City of Reykjavík, and their efforts to teach, use and promote all languages of our students.

After a warm welcome from the organizers of the event, Bibiam M Gonzalez Rodriguez, the advocate of the Global Schools Program in Iceland, presented the initiative of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network. The mission of this program is to create a world where every primary and secondary school student is equipped with the knowledge, values, and skills necessary for effectively responding to the greatest challenges of this century and shaping a sustainable and prosperous world. Móðurmál works specifically towards goal number 4, Education for all, on target 4.7 which focuses on education for sustainable development, human rights, gender equality, promotion of the culture of peace,  global citizenship education, and appreciation of cultural diversity 

The president of Móðurmál presented representatives of the schools Fellaskóli and Hólabrekkuskóli with posters that show their collaboration and highlight the importance of collaborative efforts to appreciate, recognize, and promote all children´s languages. 

This was followed by music performances of Russian, Thai, Lithuanian, and Arabic groups. After that, children from Spanish, Russian, Thai, Lithuanian, and Arabic groups presented their posters in which they showed the connection between selected recipes from their countries, responsible consumption, and awareness of the importance of protecting the environment. For example, how far do foods need to travel so that we can make our favorite meal? Children presented their work in their languages and the Lithuanian poster was awarded a special prize. After this, everyone was invited to taste the foods that the children presented in their posters. 

Móðurmál is proud to represent and support mother tongue groups and schools in Iceland whose work is entirely based on the volunteer work of parents and teachers. Their work is invaluable for children, families, and society at large. 

Móðurmál is a member of the Global Schools Program

Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism has worked on several projects linked to the Sustainable Development Goals since 2017. The Global Schools Program focuses on pursuing SDG 4.7 that aims at ensuring that all learners acquire knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including among others through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship, and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development.

Our Global School Advocate, Bibiam M Gonzalez Rodrigez, from the Spanish Móðurmál group, introduced the project to Móðurmál. The board and Móðurmál member groups and schools will participate in the Global Schools Program through a common project “One Dish – One Wish” in fall 2022.

Móðurmál signed the pledge and promised to follow these steps:

Kids for Ukraine

Today´s event for the support of Ukrainian families in Iceland was a common effort of many good-hearted people. We listened to the children of Móðurmál play and sing and we sold cookies, cakes, and hand-made crafts. Children were drawing and creating arts and we jointly wrote beautiful words into a language rainbow – in Icelandic, English, Ukrainian, Russian, Czech, Korean, Arabic, Spanish and French. It was a successful event, organized by Intercultural Youth Center and Móðurmál. Thank you so much, everyone, for joining us today! Your Móðurmál