Móðurmál has a common project for the school year 2016/17. It involves work with environmental terms and environmental issues. The goal is to increase children’s awareness of their environment, to put it into context with their connections with their parents’ countries of origin and to use their mother tongue knowledge at the same time.
- Work with 20 environmental concepts
- Work on projects connected with the environment
- Linking environmental issues in Iceland and abroad
- Linking mother tongues and environmental issues
- Waking and increasing interest in environmental issues in children and school environment in Iceland
Projects of all mother tongue groups will be presented to the public through a presentation at the Festival of Nations in Akranes, Móðurmál’s conference „Beautiful Languages“, Children’s Festival, Multicultural Festival, Big Preschool Day etc.
Contact person: Maria Sastre
Participating groups: Czech, Filipino, Japanese, Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
This project is financed by the Human Rights Council of the City of Reykjavík.
Samtökin Móðurmál verða með sameiginlegt verkefni skólaárið 2016/17.
Það felst í vinnu með umhverfishugtök og umhverfismál. Markmiðið er að auka meðvitund barnanna um umhverfi sitt, setja það í alþjóðlegt samhengi í gegnum tengslin barnanna við upprunalönd foreldra og nýta til þess tungumálaþekkingu þeirra.
- Work with 20 environmental concepts
- Work on projects connected with the environment
- Linking environmental issues in Iceland and abroad
- Linking mother tongues and environmental issues
- Waking and increasing interest in environmental issues in children and school environment in Iceland
Verkefnin allra móðurmálshópa verða kynnt fyrir almenningi í gegnum kynningar á hátíð Festival of Nations á Akranesi, ráðstefnu Móðurmáls „Beautiful languages“, Alþjóðadeginum móðurmáls, Barnamenningarhátíð og Fjölmenningarhátíð 2017.
Tengiliður: Maria Sastre
Móðurmálshópar sem taka þátt í verkefninu: filipseyska, japanska, lettneska, litháíska, portúgalska, rússneska, spænska, tékkneska.
Verkefni er styrkt af Mannréttindaráði Reykjavíkurborgar.