Móðurmál has taken part in creating three guideline documents:
- The Global Call to Action for Heritage Language Education
- International Guidelines for Professional Practices in Community-Based Heritage Language Schools
- Guidelines for the Support of Mother Tongues in Schools and Afterschool Programs.
See here below.
The Global Call to Action for Heritage Language Education is launched on the occasion of UNESCO’s International Mother Language Day 2024, which celebrates students’ universal right to study their heritage languages. The Heritage Language Global Think Tank of academics and practitioners have created an easy-to-use list of recommendations for everyone – from students to mainstream schools to policy-makers – to help improve heritage language and culture education for multilingual children worldwide.

See the full text of the Global Call to Action for Heritage Language Education here.
A group of organizations in Canada, Iceland, Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United States have come together to focus on what CBHL schools worldwide have in common and to define universal principles and good practices that will help guide these schools. These International Guidelines were developed in 2021 by representatives of heritage language school communities, organizations, associations, and initiatives.
International Guidelines for Professional Practices

*English below
Leiðarvísirinn “Hjartans mál” sem Mennta- og menningarmálaráðuneytið gaf út árið 2020 fjallar um mikilvægi þess að styðja við virkt fjöltyngi barna og ungmenna í leikskóla, grunnskóla, frístundastarfi og framhaldsskóla, byggja upp samstarf við foreldra og efla samskipti við börn í daglegu starfi. Einnig inniheldur leiðarvísirinn ráð, leiðbeiningar og gagnlegar upplýsingar fyrir foreldra, skóla og frístundastarf.
Hafa samband: leidarvisir@modurmal.com
Leiðarvísir um stuðning við móðurmál og virkt fjöltyngi í skóla- og frístundastarfi

Sjá umfjöllun eftir Kristrúnu Lind Birgisdóttur, framkvæmdastjóra Ásgarðs hér og frétt á vef Háskólans á Akureyri hér

Leiðarvísir á ensku:
*The guidelines “Languages of the heart” discuss the importance of supporting the active plurilingualism of children and young people in preschools, compulsory schools, afterschool programs, and in upper secondary schools, developing co-operation with parents and strengthening communications with children in their daily work. The guidelines also contain advice, instructions, and useful information for parents, schools, and afterschool program providers.
Leiðarvísir á pólsku: