Von be don, börnin lesa úr nýrri bók

Höfundar bókarinnar “Von be don – Magnús og Malaika leysa málið” Bergljót Baldursdóttir og Brynhildur Jenný Bjarnadóttir og börn frá samtökum Móðurmál tóku þátt í Barnamenningarhátíð 2016 og lásu þann 23. Apríl 2016 úr nýrri barnabók. „Von be don” er bók fyrir börn um orð og tungumál. Henni er ætlað að vekja börn til vitundar um tilvist …

Samstarf TÉKÍS og RADKA í Tékklandi

Cooperation of TÉKÍS and RADKA in the Czech Republic Þrír fulltrúar félagsins Tékkneska á Íslandi (TÉKÍS), Renata Emilsson Peskova (stjórn TÉKÍS), Sonja Rúdolfsdóttir Jónsson (stjórn TÉKÍS) og Hulda Karen Daníelsdóttir, kennsluráðgjafi, heimsóttu í síðasta sinn stofnun RADKA í Kadan, Tékklandi, en TÉKÍS og RADKA áttu samstarf árið 2015 (sjá Án landamæra). Í vikunni 22.-26.2. heimsóttu …

Diverse teaching methods for diverse groups

One of the aims of Móðurmál is to support its mother tongue teachers. There are many teachers who have started their volunteer career this school year, both in Reykjavík and in Reykjanesbær. Therefore Móðurmál organized a teacher training in Eldey in Reykjanesbær with the title “Diverse teaching methods for diverse groups”. It took place on …

Informal meeting and discussion with Lithuanian professor of philosophy Dr. Leonidas Donskis

Lithuanian philosopher, professor and public figure Dr. Leonidas Donskis was teaching an intensive course at the University of Iceland at the beginning of this year. Lithuanian Society in Iceland invited professor Donskis to meet Lithuanians in an informal discussion session. Professor told about his academic career, work in European Parlament, about his teaching in University …

Cooperation with SAMFOK and W.O.M.E.N.

Móðurmál started cooperation with SAMFOK, the association of parents of children in compulsory schools in Reykjavík, and W.O.M.E.N., the association of women of foreign origin. Móðurmál hóf samvinnu með SAMFOK, Samtök foreldra grunnskólabarna í Reykjavík, og W.O.M.E.N., Samtök kvenna af erlendum uppruna, um fræðslu fyrir foreldra af erlendum uppruna sl. haust. Samstarfið um menntun og …

Kindergarten Hólaborg to collect books in all mother tongues spoken in the kindergarten

The Latvian School in Reykjavík got the interesting request from kindergarten Hólaborg last autumn to help them collect books in different languages. The idea was to let children with different mother tongues borrow and read books at home. The Latvian School in Reykjavik decided to donate three of their books and we encourage other mother …

Monster in your language

On Saturday 28.11.2015 the reading of the book No! Said Little Monster by Áslaug Jónsdóttir. The language groups of Móðurmál translated the book into their languages –or used the existing translations– and bilingual children read in their languages for the visitors. This time thirteen languages were represented: Icelandic, read by the author, Latvian, Czech, Lithuanian, …

Móðurmál member of Almannaheill

Móðurmál has become a part of Almannaheill, the association of the third sector. Almannaheill works towards common interests of its members, on issues such as legal, tax and working environments, professionalism etc. Móðurmál is now a member of Heimili og skóli, the National Parents’ Association, and of Almannaheill. It is important to get support and …