Interview with Rósa Björg Jónsdóttir, Project Manager of Móðurmál Library who received the Order of the Falcon from the President of Iceland Guðni Th. Jóhanesson for her contribution to promoting literature in other languages than Icelandic. The order is awarded annually on 17 June, the national holiday. Renata: Congratulations Rósa Björg with your Order of …
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Móðurmál og heimsmarkmiðin
*English below Undanfarið ár hefur Móðurmál – samtök um tvítyngi unnið að verkefninu “Heimsmarkmið Sameinuðu þjóðanna og fjöltyngd börn á Íslandi” þar sem móðurmálshópar útfærðu eitt eða fleiri heimsmarkmið Sameinuðu þjóðanna í kennslunni. Verkefnið er styrkt af Mannréttinda- og lýðræðisskrifstofu Reykjavíkurborgar og var það upprunalega hugmyndin að vera með ráðstefnu þar sem börn kynntu starfið. …
A new Language Map of Iceland
*Íslenska fyrir neðan A language treasure hunt was launched at the occasion of International Mother Language Day on February 21, 2021. The purpose was to map languages spoken by children and youth in preschools and compulsory schools in Iceland and to raise positive awareness and discussions about languages and plurilingualism. The goal of the search …
Lært í gegnum leik og tækni – vinnustofa
(*English below) Þriðjudaginn 16. febrúar, kl. 18:00-19:15 bjóða samtökin Móðurmál upp á Netvinnustofu, vinnustofan verður á ensku. Hér er tengill á vinnustofuna Skráning hér: Stutt erindi og kennsla á forrit sem nýta má í móðurmálskennslu og málörvun. *Learning through play and technology – workshop Móðurmál, the Association on Bilingualism will host an Online …
Alþjóðadagur Móðurmálsins 2021
Gerum það að leik að leita að tungumálaforða barna og unglinga á Íslandi. Í tilefni Alþjóðadags móðurmálsins 21. febrúar 2021 fer af stað verkefnið og könnunin „Íslandskort – leitin að tungumálaforðanum 2021“.Hugmyndin er að kortleggja öll tungumál töluð af börnum í leik- og grunnskólum landsins til þess að vekja jákvæða umræðu um tungumál og fjöltyngi …
Christmas greetings from Móðurmál
Online and on-site teaching spring ’21
2020 Heritage Language Education Conference
On November 20 and 21, Mother Tongues in Dublin, Ireland, and Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism in Reykjavík, Iceland, co-organized an annual conference for their mother tongue / heritage language teachers. Both organizations connect small and big heritage language schools, offer heritage language teachers professional training and assistance, organize events that promote heritage languages …
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2020 Heritage Language Education Conference
Welcome to the 2020 edition of the Heritage Language Education Conference is organised jointly by Mother Tongues (Ireland) & Móðurmál (Iceland). About this Event The conference is free to Mother Tongues and Móðurmál members. If you are a member, contact your organisation to register. This year more than ever, community based language schools need to …
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Guidelines for the support of mother tongues and active plurilingualism
Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism has contributed to the making of new Guidelines for the Support of Mother Tongues and Active Plurilingualism in School and Afterschool Programs, together with other specialists within the field. These guidelines are based on laws, policies, and research as well as on the experience and ideas provided by professionals …
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