Happy International Mother Language Day 2022

Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism celebrated International Mother Language Day today, 21 February 2022, through collaborations, projects, social media, and an interview on the Icelandic National Radio. Móðurmál participated in creating a common greeting on this day, together with five international heritage language coalitions. In this YouTube video, representatives of Heritage Language Education Network …

Empowerment of immigrant youth and children in Iceland

The project took place in spring 2021 and it aimed to empower immigrant youth of foreign origin and encourage more active participation in society. • The first part of the project:Youth leader workshop for 6 youth aged 16 to 19. They received leadership training that introduced them to general leadership, self-development, multiculturalism, sustainability, and a …


Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism is an expert consultant organization in the “E-Power” project 2021-2023, a collaboration of the Czech Republic, Norway and Iceland. This Iceland Liechtenstein Norway Grants project is focused on solving problems with the inclusion of disadvantaged children and youth in primary and secondary schools in North Moravia region in the …

International Guidelines for Professional Practices in Community-Based Heritage Language Schools

A group of organizations in Canada, Iceland, Ireland, the Netherlands, and the United States have come together to focus on what CBHL schools worldwide have in common and to define universal principles and good practices that will help guide these schools. These International Guidelines were developed in 2021 by representatives of heritage language school communities, organizations, associations, …

FOHLC Europe conference 19-20 November 2021

Forum of Heritage Language Coalitions in Europe FOHLC Europe is an exciting new collaboration between several organizations involved with heritage language education in Europe. We are initiating an annual conference that we hope will become a new tradition of creating connections. It will be a chance for all involved in this area to come together once per year to share expertise and to discuss the needs of our …

Rósa Björg Jónsdóttir, Project Manager of Móðurmál Library, received the Order of the Falcon for her volunteer work

Interview with Rósa Björg Jónsdóttir, Project Manager of Móðurmál Library who received the Order of the Falcon from the President of Iceland Guðni Th. Jóhanesson for her contribution to promoting literature in other languages than Icelandic. The order is awarded annually on 17 June, the national holiday. Renata: Congratulations Rósa Björg with your Order of …

Móðurmál og heimsmarkmiðin

*English below Undanfarið ár hefur Móðurmál – samtök um tvítyngi unnið að verkefninu “Heimsmarkmið Sameinuðu þjóðanna og fjöltyngd börn á Íslandi” þar sem móðurmálshópar útfærðu eitt eða fleiri heimsmarkmið Sameinuðu þjóðanna í kennslunni. Verkefnið er styrkt af Mannréttinda- og lýðræðisskrifstofu Reykjavíkurborgar og var það upprunalega hugmyndin að vera með ráðstefnu þar sem börn kynntu starfið. …

A new Language Map of Iceland

*Íslenska fyrir neðan A language treasure hunt was launched at the occasion of International Mother Language Day on February 21, 2021. The purpose was to map languages spoken by children and youth in preschools and compulsory schools in Iceland and to raise positive awareness and discussions about languages and plurilingualism. The goal of the search …

Lært í gegnum leik og tækni – vinnustofa

(*English below) Þriðjudaginn 16. febrúar, kl. 18:00-19:15 bjóða samtökin Móðurmál upp á Netvinnustofu, vinnustofan verður á ensku.  Hér er tengill á vinnustofuna https://meet.google.com/kvz-kuwu-uye Skráning hér: https://forms.gle/MsxQFpnob8frA4FY9 Stutt erindi og kennsla á forrit sem nýta má í móðurmálskennslu og málörvun. *Learning through play and technology – workshop Móðurmál, the Association on Bilingualism will host an Online …