„My language and your language“

On February 21st the Móðurmál, the City Library and many guests celebrated the International Mother Tongue Day and the linguistic diversity of children.The “sun” was the theme and many other words could be learnt at Café Lingua for children on Saturday, February 21st in Gerðuberg. Besides, children showed their books, pictures, music and other interesting …

Festivals and event in spring 2015

In spring 2015 some of Móðurmál groups celebrated their national festivals! 🎉 February 23th, Defender of the Fatherland March 6th, Ghana celebrates its 58th Anniversary It is a good habit to share the event and invite members of other mother tongue groups, show and share the national culture with others. Thank you! ❤️

Lithuanian mother tongue school Three colours celebrates 10 year anniversary

The Lithuanian mother tongue school Three colours, one of Móðurmál groups, celebrated their 10th year anniversary in September 2014! 🎉 The founder and the director Jurgita Milleriene has led the school and taught Lithuanian all this time and done a fantastic job working with children, parents and the Lithuanian community. She established the Society of …

Áslaug Jónsdóttir visits Lithuanian mother tongue school Three colours

Lithuanian mother-tongue school Three colours was recently contacted by a well-known Icelandic children books writer and illustrator Áslaug Jónsdóttir. Áslaug wished to give the Lithuanian school in Iceland copies of two books from the well-known Monster series that have been recently translated into Lithuanian. The school invited her to come to the school and to …

Art and play: Communicative Icelandic Course

Icelandic course for parents of children who attend mother tongue classes in Fellaskóli and preschools Ösp and Holt started in January and continues until the end of February. The teacher is Berglind Björgúlfsdóttir. Berglind is educated in music and she currently studies Arts at the Art University of Iceland. She also teaches Icelandic with Menntun …

Icelandic course for parents

Last Saturday a new Icelandic course started for parents whose children are learning their mother tongues with Móðurmál. The goals of the course are to increase the social abilities of students, to support and encourage the students to talk Icelandic, to improve the feeling for the language and understanding, to practice vocabulary of the students …

Festa de Natal ❄️🎄 Jólagleði

Félag Portúgölskumælandi á Íslandi (FPÍ/ AFPI) býður öllum á jólasamkomu í Hótel Borg þann 7. Nóvember 2014. Viðburðurinn er haldin í samvinnu við Rauða krossinn. Hugmyndin er sú að öll börn komi með leikföng að heiman sem þau eru hætt að nota. Þau fá síðan að velja eitt leikfang hvert og það sem verður umfram …

Virkt tvítyngi í umræðu og riti

Til hamingju, Ösp og Fellaskóli! 🎉 Við fögnum umræðu sem veiting verðlauna vakti og einnig fögnum við eftirfarandi ályktun Íslenskrar málnefndar: Í kjölfarið á þeim mikilvæga áfanga að tveimur af skólum borgarinnar Ösp og Fellaskóla voru veitt málræktarverðlaun íslenskrar málnefndar á dögunum vil ég vekja athygli á ályktun nefndarinnar sem lögð var fram á sama …