Language Map 2025 – The Search for Linguistic Resources in Iceland

A shorter version of the article in Icelandic can be found here. In celebration of International Mother Language Day on February 21, the search for children’s linguistic resources in Iceland was launched for the third time. Staff in preschools, primary schools, and secondary schools across the country were encouraged to talk with children and ask …

Happy International Mother Language Day 2025

Happy International Mother Language Day 2025! To celebrate the day, 1) Take the checklist challenge to see how you can support heritage language education 2) Guess how many languages are spoken by children and youth in Icelandic schools and the the new language map of Iceland 2025 3) Find your school on the new Language …

Verkfærakista til að virkja fjölbreytt tungumál í kennslu um Heimsmarkmið Sameinuðu þjóðanna

Verkefnið Heimsmarkmið Sameinuðu þjóðanna – mál allra hlaut styrk frá Þróunarsjóði innflytjendamála og er hluti af vitundarvakningu Móðurmáls – samtaka um tvítyngi um mikilvægi þess að viðurkenna og virkja öll þau tungumál sem eru hluti af lífi barna og ungs fólks á Íslandi.  Einn af  afrekstrum  verkefnisins er verkfærakista með kennsluhugmyndum. Hugmyndin með verkfærakistunni er, …

A new Móðurmál group in the north

Móðurmal Norðurland was founded by a couple of mothers living in the North who recognized the value of preserving their children’s heritage language. Elena has been a part of Móðurmál in the south for many years, and she and Marianne decided to take the step to start the spark in the north.Móðurmál Norðurland seeks to reach the entire …

Cabalgata de Reyes in Árbæjarsafn

On Saturday January 11th, Hola – the Association of Spanish Speakers in Iceland and the Móðurmál Spanish Group hosted the fifth edition of the Three Kings Parade (Cabalgata de Reyes). The celebration was held at the Árbaerjasafn Museum, with approximately 100 attendees. The Three Wise Men traveled across the globe, arriving from the East, and welcomed us to …

“Love Earth to the Moon and Back” – Móðurmál participated in an international project on climate change and environmental education

The Russian Móðurmál group participated in a an international project on climate change and environmental education called “Love Earth to the Moon and Back”. Lydmila Zadorozhnya participated on behalf of Móðurmál alongside 8 other international partners from 7 different countries. The education project was funded by the European Union and lasted for 36 months with …

Third Korean Cultural Festival held in Gerðuberg

The 3rd Korean Culture Festival in Iceland, held on November 23, 2024, was an exciting celebration of Korean traditions and modern influences. Móðurmál supported the festival, which brought together attendees from diverse backgrounds, fostering cultural exchange and strengthening ties with the Korean community in Iceland. The event featured a Taekwondo exhibition by Mudo Gym, dynamic K-pop dance performances …

Dönsum saman og höfum gaman! Balkan dances in Gerðuberg

Veska Jónsdóttir held a balkan dance event in Gerðuberg on December 7th 2024 in cooperation with Gerðuberg and Móðurmál, the association on bilingualism. When people in the Balkans gather to celebrate, dancing is an integral aspect of the festivities. Dancing breaks out spontaneously, sometimes accompanied by musicians, but when they are not there, people simply …

Serbian Culture Days in Reyjavík

The Serbian Cultural Center in Iceland held its fourth Serbian Culture Days in Reykjavík recently. The grand theme was theatre, and the program was varied and eventful and had something in store for all ages. Due to unforeseen circumstances all events were combined and held on November 24th. The events were well frequented and all …

2024 FOHLC Europe Conference for heritage language teachers

Traditionally, Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism has co-organized an annual conference for heritage language teachers. This year´s theme was: Rethinking incentives: how to bolster the motivation of students, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders in heritage language education Over 250 registrations from over 40 countries, representing more than 50 heritage languages, show the continuous interest …