New Móðurmál board 2017

Móðurmál has a new board! 🎉 Congratulations, new members Magdalena and Dyah, and many thanks for all your help in the past year, Rósa Björg and Karim. Renata Emilsson Peskova, chair, Czech group Magdalena Elísabet Andrèsdòttir, vice-chair, Polish group Lovísa Sha Mi, treasurer, Chinese group Dyah Anggraini Choliqsdòttir, secretary, Indonesian group Lyudmila Zadorozhnya, board member, …

Language and Nature: Móðurmál’s environmental project 2016/2017

For the first time in Móðurmál’s twenty-year-old history, groups work together on a common project for a whole year! Parents of bilingual children work hard to prepare them for the future that will entail using their languages and cherishing connections to all countries where their parents come from and where their extended families still live. …

International Mother Language Day: 21st February

Grófin Culture House traditionally prepared a program for plurilingual children and invited Móðurmál to introduce our program and activities. We celebrated the International Mother Language Day by inviting children and their families to write letters in their own mother language to a relative or a friend, whether they live in Svalbard, Siglufjörður or Senegal. Easy …

Móðurmálskennsla í fjarnámi hafin

On February 2nd 2017, three Móðurmál teachers started teaching mother tongues at a distance through a partner organisation Kara connect ehf Students in Stóru-Vogaskóla on all school levels learn their mother tongues, Russian, Tagalog and Thai. The school received a grant to provide mother–tongue instruction to their students, and both parents and children are very happy with this …

Ráðstefna “Beautiful Languages: Successful and Sustainable”

Dagana 18.–19. nóvember stóð Móðurmál fyrir ráðstefnu fyrir móðurmálskennara og áhugasama kennara og uppalendur. Aðalfyrirlesari var Prof. Olenka Bilash frá Háskóla í Alberta, Kanada. Ráðstefna átti sér stað í Menningarmiðstöð Gerðubergi í Reykjavík og var styrkt úr Þróunarsjóði innflytjendamála.Á dagskrá var meðal annars árangursrík reynsla tveggja þýska og japanska móðurmálshóps, frásögn litháíska og spænska hóp …

Móðurmál researches natural and language resources

Móðurmál has a common project for the school year 2016/17. It involves work with environmental terms and environmental issues. The goal is to increase children’s awareness of their environment, to put it into context with their connections with their parents’ countries of origin and to use their mother tongue knowledge at the same time. Work …