Award for promoting Polish culture in Iceland

Monika Franciszka Sienkiewicz, the headmaster of the Polish school in Reykjavik, got an honourable mention for promoting Polish culture in Iceland in 27th Zygmunt Gloger Medal and Award Contest (Konkursu o Nagrodę i Medal Zygmunta Glogera). Congratulations, dear Monika! 🎉 All of us who work with you know how precious your contribution to the Polish …

Come along! Let’s talk about the school culture in Iceland

Samfok –the Association of Parents of Compulsory School Children in Reykjavík–, together with Móðurmál –the Association on Bilingualism–, and individual mother tongue schools organize ten conferences about school matters with a focus on parents of foreign origin in the Greater Reykjavík Area. This school year 2017-18, ten conferences in the biggest languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, …

5th annual conference of Móðurmál

Móðurmál organised its 5th annual conference on 25th and 26th August 2017. This time, the main theme was the comparison of mother tongue instruction in Sweden, Canada/Alberta, and Iceland. Two professionals were invited from the International and Heritage Languages Association in Edmonton, Alberta, and one from the Mother Tongue Center in Lund, Sweden. Dr. Josephine …

Móðurmál and IHLA become sister organisations

Following visits and discussions of representatives of Móðurmál and the International and Heritage Languages Association in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, in fall 2015 and 2016, spring 2017, and summer 2017, the two organisations concluded that formal collaboration would strengthen and profit them on many levels. During the 5th annual conference of Móðurmál, two representatives of IHLA …

Bókasafn Móðurmáls

Bókasafnið Móðurmáls samanstendur af safnkosti (bækur, tímarit, dvd, cd, hljóðbækur o.fl.) ýmsra móðurmálsskóla innan Móðurmáls. Bækur eru aðallega barna- og unglingabækur, þó sumir móðurmálsskólar eigi líka bækur fyrir fullorðna, kennsluefni og annað fræðsluefni. Eins og staðan er í dag, hefur bókasafnið ekki einn sama stað. Hver og einn skóli geymir sér um að útvega sjálfur …

New Móðurmál board 2017

Móðurmál has a new board! 🎉 Congratulations, new members Magdalena and Dyah, and many thanks for all your help in the past year, Rósa Björg and Karim. Renata Emilsson Peskova, chair, Czech group Magdalena Elísabet Andrèsdòttir, vice-chair, Polish group Lovísa Sha Mi, treasurer, Chinese group Dyah Anggraini Choliqsdòttir, secretary, Indonesian group Lyudmila Zadorozhnya, board member, …

Language and Nature: Móðurmál’s environmental project 2016/2017

For the first time in Móðurmál’s twenty-year-old history, groups work together on a common project for a whole year! Parents of bilingual children work hard to prepare them for the future that will entail using their languages and cherishing connections to all countries where their parents come from and where their extended families still live. …