Slovak heritage language school in Iceland celebrates 10th anniversary

Slovak society SKÍS, or Slovak for Children in Iceland, celebrated its 10th anniversary today in Hólabrekkuskóli. Among guests were the Slovak ambassador in Oslo Mr Roman Bužek, and the Slovak honorary consul in Iceland, Mr. Runólfur Oddsson, who both welcome and support Slovak heritage language teaching in Iceland and in general. Other guests were Ms …

Móðurmál receives book donation

The author Bergljót Baldursdóttir visited the last meeting of Móðurmál with an amazing gift intended for the children attending classes in Móðurmál. She gifted each of them the book “Von be don” which she authored. Móðurmál thanks her very much for this kind donation! “Von be Don” is a children’s book about words and language. …

Heimsmarkmið Sameinuðu þjóðanna – mál okkar allra

Samtökin Móðurmál fékk styrk frá Þróunarsjóði innflytjendamála fyrir verkefnið Heimsmarkmið sameinuðu þjóðanna – mál okkar allra. Verkefnið er unnið með nemendum í 5. og 6. bekk í Fellaskóla. Börnin hafa fengið kynningu á Heimsmarkmiðunum og valið markmið til að vinna dýpra með á skapandi hátt.  Afrakstur vinnunnar er meðal annars uppskerusýning barnanna sem opnar í …

Old and new Móðurmál board & AGM 2024

Móðurmál board 2022-2024: Milan, Maria, Fríða, Renata and Bibiam Móðurmál board 2024-2026: Milan, Maria, Oksana, Renata and Bibiam The Annual General Meeting took place in the beautiful space of the Home and School (Heimili og skóli) Association on 29 May, 2024. The report of the board on the work of the past year is here.

Móðurmál is a member of STÍL – The Association of Language Teachers of Iceland

Móðurmál became a member of STÍL at the Annual General Meeting on May 16, 2024. With a membership of 800, STÍL´s role is to provide language teachers with support and assistance in their professional development. STíL cooperates with various educational bodies both in Iceland and abroad. STÍL is a member of UNESCO and the Nordic …

Fræðslufundir fyrir foreldra * Parent information meetings

Farsæld, samstarf og fjöltyngiProsperity, collaboration and plurilingualism Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism in collaboration with parents´ association Heimili og skóli, hosted two information meetings for immigrant parents in the Icelandic school system. The meetings were held in Laugalækjarskóli in Reykjavík on March 6, and in Kópavogsskóli in Kópavogur on March 12, 2024. The topics …

Formleg opnun serbneska móðurmálsskólans í Reykjavík

Formleg opnun serbneska móðurmálsskólans í Reykjavík á vegum Menntamálaráðuneytis Serbíu og Sendiráðs Serbíu í Osló. (Eng. Formal opening of the Serbian mother tongue school in Reykjavík under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of Serbia and the Embassy of Serbia in Oslo) Serbneska Menningarmiðstöðin á Íslandi var stofnað í maí mánuði 2016 en síðar …