Art and play: Communicative Icelandic Course

Icelandic course for parents of children who attend mother tongue classes in Fellaskóli and preschools Ösp and Holt started in January and continues until the end of February. The teacher is Berglind Björgúlfsdóttir. Berglind is educated in music and she currently studies Arts at the Art University of Iceland. She also teaches Icelandic with Menntun …

Icelandic course for parents

Last Saturday a new Icelandic course started for parents whose children are learning their mother tongues with Móðurmál. The goals of the course are to increase the social abilities of students, to support and encourage the students to talk Icelandic, to improve the feeling for the language and understanding, to practice vocabulary of the students …

Festa de Natal ❄️🎄 Jólagleði

Félag Portúgölskumælandi á Íslandi (FPÍ/ AFPI) býður öllum á jólasamkomu í Hótel Borg þann 7. Nóvember 2014. Viðburðurinn er haldin í samvinnu við Rauða krossinn. Hugmyndin er sú að öll börn komi með leikföng að heiman sem þau eru hætt að nota. Þau fá síðan að velja eitt leikfang hvert og það sem verður umfram …

Virkt tvítyngi í umræðu og riti

Til hamingju, Ösp og Fellaskóli! 🎉 Við fögnum umræðu sem veiting verðlauna vakti og einnig fögnum við eftirfarandi ályktun Íslenskrar málnefndar: Í kjölfarið á þeim mikilvæga áfanga að tveimur af skólum borgarinnar Ösp og Fellaskóla voru veitt málræktarverðlaun íslenskrar málnefndar á dögunum vil ég vekja athygli á ályktun nefndarinnar sem lögð var fram á sama …

November 2014 in Gerðuberg

Two important events took place in cultural centre Gerðuberg this month: Course Í grassrótinni (Grassroots) about founding and running NGOs. It was organized by project Menntun Núna and coorganized by Modurmál. Davor Purusic, lawyer, was the main lecturer. The course took place on November 1st, 8th and 23th. Thank you, Davor and Menntun núna, for …

Þjóðhátíð Vesturlands: Festival of Nations in West Iceland

Moðurmál took part in the Festival of Nations, organized by the Society of New Icelanders (SONI). The festival took place in Akranes November 9th and many multicultural people attended, displayed beautiful things and performed. Thank you ❤️ Pauline for organizing the event, it was really fun to take part! Thank you Spanish and Czech group …

Samfélagsverðlaun Fréttablaðsins 2014

Móðurmál received the award in the category From Generation to Generation. Congratulations to our mother tongue teachers, group leaders and everyone who supports our great work! 🎉 REP and MQM represented Móðurmál: Félag Tvítyngdra Barna at the ceremony May 13th 2014 News from Fréttablaðinu May 14th here. Samtökin Móðurmál hlutu verðlaun í flokki “Frá kynslóð til kynslóðar”. Innilega …

Useful links

Fjölmenningarstefna leikskóla Reykjavíkur/Multicultural policy of preschools in Reykjavík Bæklingar fyrir foreldra/Booklets for parentsSkilaboð frá leikskóla/Messages from preschoolsOrðalistar/Word listsLæsisstefna leikskóla/Policy on literacy in preschoolsFjölmenningarvefurinn/Multicultural web