

26th May
Multicultural festival in Gerðuberg, Reykjavík
24th May
Conference Roots and Wings. Móðurmál presented.
18th May
Móðurmál teacher party.
16th May
Conference FUM Education, society and collaboration (Menntun, samfélag og samvinna). Móðurmál presented.
15th May
SAMFOK and Móðurmál receive an award of Heimili og skóli 2018 for the project Allir með – tölum saman um skólamenningu á Íslandi. Birgitta Bára Hassenstein, the chair of SAMFOK, receives the title “Performer” (dugnaðarforkur). Rósa Björg Jónsdóttir, the project manager of the library project of Móðurmál, was nominated for the title “Performer” (dugnaðarforkur).
Spring 2018
Heimsálfar. Samstarfsverkefni móðurmálshópa við Borgarbókasafn Reykjavíkurborgar.
Years 2017 to 2018
Listin talar tungum. Guided tours in various languages. Collaboration with the Art Gallery of Reykjavík →
4th November 2017 to 14th April 2018
Allir með! tölum saman um skólamenningu á Íslandi. Samstarfsverkefni við SAMFOK.
4th November
Allir með! Spanish
18th November
Allir með! Polish
20th January
Allir með! Lithuanian
27th January
Allir með! Filipino
11th February
Allir með! Vietnamese
24th February
Allir með! Russian
4th March
Allir með! Thai
17th March
Allir með! Portugese
14th April
Allir með! English
21st April
Allir með! Arabic
Years 2017 to 2018
Mother Language Book of Móðurmál
Years 2017 to 2018
Library project of Móðurmál
21st February to 21st March 2018
Multilingual Month. Collaboration of the City Library, School and Leisure Department of the City of Reykjavík (SFS), Stofnun Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur, and Miðja máls og læsis / Finnland.
17th March
Forseti Íslands Guðni Th. Jóhanesson kynnti sér starfsemi litháíska skólans Þrír litir. →
11st March
Fræðsla fyrir móðurmálshópa um rekstur félagasamtaka
21st February
International Mother Language Day. Choir Show. Collaboration with SFS and the City Library