(*English below)
Móðurmál – samtök um tvítyngi eru hagsmuna- og regnhlífasamtök sem styðja við og halda utan um móðurmálskennslu á höfuðborgarsvæðinu. Markmið Móðurmáls eru að styðja við móðurmálshópa og móðurmálskennara, að vinna með foreldrum fjöltyngdra barna að því að skapa börnunum tækifæri til að læra móðurmál, að taka þátt í rannsóknum um fjöltyngi og móðurmál, að þróa móðurmálskennslu og að styðja við virkt fjöltyngi í samfélaginu.
Við höfum boðið upp á móðurmálskennslu á Íslandi síðan 1994. Frú Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, fyrrverandi forseti Íslands og velgjörðasendiherra tungumála UNESCO er verndari samtakanna. Fyrir það erum við þakklát.
Hér er myndband um Móðurmál á íslensku.
Hér er útprentanlegur bæklingur um Móðurmál á íslensku og ensku: Nýr bæklingur/new brochure – Móðurmál (modurmal.com)
*Móðurmál – the Association on Bilingualism is an interest and umbrella organization that supports and manages mother tongue teaching in the Capital City Area in Iceland. Móðurmál aims to support mother tongue groups and mother tongue teachers, to work with parents of plurilingual children to create opportunities for the children to learn their mother tongues, to participate in research on multilingualism and mother tongues, to develop mother tongue teaching, and to support active multilingualism in society.
We have provided mother tongue instruction in Iceland since 1994. We are grateful to Mrs. Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, the former president of Iceland and the goodwill ambassador of languages of UNESCO, for her patronage.
Here is a video about Móðurmál in English.
Here is a printable brochure about Móðurmál in Icelandic and English: Nýr bæklingur/new brochure – Móðurmál (modurmal.com)

Vigdís Finnbogadóttir
Móðurmál is grateful for the following awards:
- 2022. A grant award 15.000.000 ISK from the Ministry of Education and Children.
- 2021. Project Manager of Móðurmál Library received the Order of the Falcon from the President of Iceland Guðni Th. Jóhanesson for her contribution to promoting literature in other languages than Icelandic. The order is awarded annually on 17 June, the national holiday.
- 2021. Hvatningarverðlaun Upplýsingar.
- 2020. Award for Móðurmál Library “í þágu barnamenningar” (for contribution to children´s culture) from Ibby in Iceland.
- 2020. Award for Móðurmál Library “Fræðslu- og vísindaviðurkenningu Siðmenntar í þágu mannréttinda og mannúðar” (Education and Science Award for work for Human Rights and Humanity from Siðmennt).
- 2019. “Mannréttindaverðlaun Reykjavíkurborgar” (Human rights award of the City of Reykjavík). For teaching children their mother tongues.
- 2018. “Hvatningarverðlaun Heimilis og skóla” (Encouragement award from the National Parents’ Association). For the project Allir með! –let´s talk about the school culture in Iceland– did in collaboration with SAMFOK association
- 2016.“Foreldraverðlaun Heimilis og skóla” (Parents’ award from the National Parents’ Association). For mother tongue teaching of bilingual children.
- 2014. “Samfélagsverðlaun Fréttablaðsins” (The Society Award of Frettabladid) in category “From Generation to Generation”. The award was presented by the President of Iceland Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson.
- 2008. “Vel að verki staðið” (For a Job Well Done). Certificate of Recognition from the Intercultural Centre for Móðurmál’s active work on immigrantion issues in Iceland. The award was presented by the President of Iceland Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson.